Usergroups - Forums Group - the Free Speech Platform

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User Guide
UCP / Usergroups
Usergroup membership can be managed through the Usergroups section of the UCP. The page lists groups for which the user is a member of, a leader of, and all other usergroups. Groups which are open for membership have a radio button allowing the user to request membership. Users may also remove themselves from groups in which they hold membership. If a user has the CAN CHANGE DEFAULT USERGROUP, they can choose which group to be their default here. The default usergroup dictates the user's username color which is shown throughout the board.

If a YahooGroup has been migrated to a forums-group board, members can apply to be a Topics Moderator. This would give you the ability to move exiting topics from the long list of migrated messages into more relevant categories. For example, if you have a car related forum with a long list of unsorted topics with various makes of cars. It would make sense to move say all topics about Ford cars into a new Ford Car category, etc. This is what a Topic Moderator can do.
Those who want to unsubscribe from the forum can join the Unsubscribed group which deactivates your account on the forum.
Users who are designated as a group leader are able to manage the group's membership. Users can be added, removed, pending join requests can be approved or denied, and have their default usergroup changed here.

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