Health & Wellness
- Advice
- Alternative Medicine
- Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Ayurveda
- Biofeedback
- Herbal Medicine, Holistic Health, Homeopathy
- Magnetic Therapy, Massage Therapy
- Reflexology, Reiki, Resonance Therapy
- Beauty
- Cosmetics
- Hair
- Nails
- Skin Care
- Children's
- Coronavirus
- Drugs and Medications
- First Aid
- Fitness and Nutrition
- Aerobics, All Bran
- ConAgra
- Healthy Cooking
- Special K
- Stretching', 'Teens
- Health Care
- Men's
- Professional
- Alternative
- Community Action For Your Turf
- Dental Schools
- Emergency Services
- Fitness and Nutrition
- Health Administration
- Medical Schools, Medical Transcription, Mental Health, Midwifery
- Nursing
- Occupational Therapy
- Pharmacists, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, Physicians
- Radiology Technologists, Respiratory Therapy
- Speech Pathology
- Reproductive
- Abortion
- Birth Control
- Infertility
- Seniors
- Stress Management
- Support
- Teens
- Women's
- Menopause
- Pregnancy and Birth
Alternative Medicine / Homepathy
Minutus Forums Group
- Until a larger number of groups have been added to this system, all available groups are currently being shown on the main page of each catagory. They will be moved to sub-group pages when necessary.
- We also list YahooGroups that were archived for use on Windows computers by our sister website They offer the group's messages, files, photos and links (where available) to download complete with a powerful windows software for offline viewing for a small one-time fee.
- Any of the groups archived by that website can be migrated to this platform, as we have already done for the Minutus YahooGroup.