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As the board grows and accumulates posts, it becomes difficult to find specific content quickly. To aid in finding posts, the forum contains a powerful search utility.

Predefined searches

Common searches are offered in the form of 'Quick links' on the top left of the index, keyword searches can be performed from the header, forum view, and topic view, and custom search queries can be created using the Advanced Search feature.

Learn more about Predefined searches

Forum and Topic Search

One of the most common searchs is going to be searching the forum messages for keywords. For example, in a car related forum, you might be interested in topics related to a Ford Focus, so entering those keywords would then list all posts that contain those two words.

Advanced Search

In addition to the predefined searches provided by the forum, it is possible to create your own search queries.
Searches can based on keywords, author, and forum selections with a wide range of options.
Even after searching, you can still further refine the search results.

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