Move topic - Forums Group - the Free Speech Platform

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Moderator Guide
Move topic
Moving a topic into another forum
To move a topic to another forum, click on the Quick-mod tools button beneath the topic and select Move topic from the selection menu.

You will then be shown another selection menu where you can choose another forum to move the topic to.

  • First select the forum to move the topic to.
  • A shadow topic is simply a link to the topic in the original forum it’s been moved from. You may choose whether or not to leave a shadow topic by selecting or unselecting the checkbox.
    Note: To delete a shadow topic, navigate to the forum containing the shadow topic, and use the Moderator Control Panel to select and delete the topic. Deleting a shadow topic will not delete the original topic that it is a shadow of.
  • You also have the option to lock the topic at the same time, which prevents any further changes being made to it.
  • Click on Yes to move the topic and No to cancel the procedure.

Useful for sorting YahooGroups Posts
On YahooGroups, there was just one long list of unsorted messages. This meant that everybody was sent every message and people could not selectively choose to receive one aspect of the conversation. The Forums.Group system can theoretically have an unlimited number of separate forums sorted into categories allowing much more organised discussions.

For example: Say you had a YahooGroup about motor cars, discussing the various makes, accessories, repair, tuning, etc. The YahooGroup would just send you every post. If you are only interested in Ford cars, you would still be receiving the messages about General Motors as it is just one unsorted list. Most people then just delete the posts that do not interest them, cluttering up their Inbox and Trash with such posts.

On the Forums.Group platform, you can have separate categories for Accessories, Repair, Tuning, etc. and in each such category, separate forums for BMW, Ford, General Motors, etc. This means that those interested in Ford accessories just have to go to the Accessories category and look in the Ford section. It is no longer necessary to read posts about General Motors, as you can now selectively read just posts related to Ford cars. In fact, you could have additional sub-forums for each type of accessory to further sort the messages.

This is one of the major differences between YahooGroups and modern forum systems as it is difficult to automatically sort incoming email messages into separate categories so you just have one long list.

When your messages are migrated to, they will still be in one long list of messages. We suggest you can nominate a number of members to be Topic Moderators. They can then each be assigned a specific topic and then go through the archives and use the Move command to move the relevant posts into their designated forum. If enough people take part and they work well, it is possible to resort the archived posts into much more useful forums, making your archives much easier to navigate.

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